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Ostrich Pillow Reduced Stock-Outs and Improved Retail Sales using Lucky’s Inventory Data

Ostrich Pillow is a premium sleep brand headquartered in Spain with warehouses and retail distribution partners around the world. They came to Lucky to help understand inventory visibility and capture retail analytics to improve their retail sales.


Reducing issues with multiple weeks of out-of-stock

Visibility in Nordstrom inventory in real-time

Proactively restocking Nordstrom's popular stores

“As we get POs from retailers like Nordstrom, we have goals with our retailers on certain sales targets otherwise we have to take products back. This is a challenge because after we send the products from our facility, we don’t know when they arrive in-store or which stores have what level of stock.”

Emily Payamps

Wholesale Partnership Manager


As Ostrich Pillow is scaling digitally and in-store across major retailers they needed a solution that could give them visibility into retail inventory and predict out-of-stocks before they happened.     

They typically receive purchase orders (POs) from major retailers that are late, which means by the time they were notified of the PO to get more inventory they were out-of-stock at stores for 2-6 weeks. This loss of time on shelf and revenue is devastating to brands.    

With Lucky, they were able to not only visualize existing inventory on shelf but also predict out-of-stock at a store level in order to make their PO process proactive vs reactive.


After getting access to their Lucky Inventory Intelligence Dashboard, the Ostrich Pillow team immediately were able to see the benefits. What used to be a long process – requiring manual effort to understand outdated retail inventory reports from weeks ago – they were now able to track in realtime. Between current inventory levels, stock-out prediction, and how they should prioritize marketing in certain regions, the value of Inventory Intelligence has helped Ostrich Pillow tremendously in their retail growth efforts.      

The top benefits Ostrich Pillow saw were:       

Visibility in Nordstrom inventory in real-time
Understand which SKUs are selling out faster and in what regions, allowing for optimization of marketing spend
Proactively work with Nordstrom to restock popular stores before going out-of-stock


“With Lucky’s Inventory Intelligence we can easily see which stores have our products and stock level in realtime. This data has been extremely helpful to us because even retailers don’t have the time or resources to offer this information.”

Emily Payamps

Wholesale Partnership Manager


Reducing issues with multiple weeks of out-of-stock
Marketing decisions become much clearer through a true omnichannel understanding of inventory and sales.
Visibility into Nordstrom performance in real-time, not just from periodic reporting.

Scale your brand in retail with real-time data

Track retail conversion attribution
Optimize customer journey
Leverage real-time retail inventory